Our organisation

Storengy is a subsidiary of the ENGIE group with various activities.

Storengy - Our organisation

Storengy is a business unit of the ENGIE Group, which is active in natural gas storage, renewable gas production and storage, and the development of geothermal solutions. 

Storengy is managed by Camille Bonenfant-Jeanneney, our Chief Executive Officer. The Strategic Committee, which assists her in conducting social and strategic affairs, is made up of: 

  • Edouard Sauvage 
    Executive Vice President ENGIE, Chairman of the Storengy Strategic Committee 
  • ValĂ©rie Alain 
    Director of Institutions France and Territories, reporting to the CEO of ENGIE 
  • Xavier Perret 
    Director of Health and Safety ENGIE 
  • Sandra Roche Vu Quang 
    Managing Director of Elengy and President of Fosmax LNG 
  • Bernard Frois 
    Scientific Advisor, CEA 

An operational organisation 

Storengy in Europe 

The company is located in: 

  • France with Storengy France 
  • Germany with Storengy Deutschland
  • the United Kingdom with Storengy UK

Storengy in the world 

We are also developing our activities worldwide: gas storage, geothermal solutions, renewable gas production and storage technologies. 

To manage Storengy on a national and international level, we have an operational organisation that combines strategic vision and decision-making efficiency.

Storengy in a few key figures

  • Top underground storage operator in Europe
  • Top producer of biomethane in France via ENGIE BiOZ
  • More than 1,000 employees worldwide